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metal_gear_solid:new_game_tutorial_by_pythonicus [2019/08/17 04:49] Pythonicusmetal_gear_solid:new_game_tutorial_by_pythonicus [2020/09/13 13:18] (current) – removed Pythonicus
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-This tutorial is intended to guide you through the opening stages of learning Portable Ops, with information mainly compiled by MarlonH8, MiniOmegaKing, RoyalSuitAlice, and Pythonicus, and formed into a single route. This route also serves as the baseline for the [[NG+ Tutorial|New Game+]] route. For more detailed general information useful for the speedrun, and alternate stage routes, you can use the [[|MPO Speednotes by MarlonH8 and MiniOmegaKing]]. 
-====Starting the Game==== 
-Before beginning a run, you'll need to create a save file that the game will use as a 'profile'. Aside from if you do segmented runs, this won't actually matter, but the game will force you regardless. The best suggestion for expediting the process is to use a single character (I tend to just use a numerical character), unless you wish to commemorate an event you're running for or the like. As long as you don't save on the file, it will continue to be usable for New Game single-segment runs. The save info on the Load Game menu will specify New Game and will not mention a location, so that you can verify. 
-After creating your profile, the game will then prompt you on the difficulty you'd like to play. Normal is the de-facto difficulty, but there aren't any rules against running on Easy. The differences include less boss health and less damage done to the player character. The run begins when you select your difficulty. This guide is assuming Normal difficulty. 
-====Mission 1: Prison/Comms Base==== 
-Upon starting the game, you'll want to press the start button to skip the beginning cutscene. The game takes a few moments to load, so it's advisable to just continue tapping start until you begin to hear the stage music. As soon as the screen fades in to gameplay, you're in control. In order to get out of the prison cell, you either have to wait for a minute, or try to open the door twice, using the triangle button. There is a specific angle you can take, by running into the door frame, that will slide Snake into position to open the door and cause the next cutscene to play on a single door pull. This trick saves very little time overall, and is very specific and unreliable, so it's not something worth resetting over if you don't get it. 
-After trying the door twice, Roy Campbell will start speaking to you. The first couple of lines will require you to fast-forward through (again using the triangle button), but after a fade, you can skip the rest of it with the start button. After the game loads, the vent cover beneath the bed will be open, and you can crawl through into the adjacent cell, where the Mk. 22 and the sneaking suit are. Upon collecting your items, another couple of skippable scenes will play. Skip through them, and Campbell will attempt to start a tutorial. You can skip the tutorial by just running for the door. After a few more lines of text, you'll finally have free action. At this point, run into the building across and just before you come across the electronic gate, roll into prone and crawl underneath. After passing through, run directly at the guard outside, bump him and roll to the right. At this point, you're home free for the mission. Assuming you've moved quickly enough, the guard patrolling the ramp won't be in a position to cause trouble, and the guard inside the building at the top of the ramp won't be looking your way. Make your way left and toward the mission end trigger. 
-When you enter the Comms Base half of the mission, there will be an unskippable scene and some text to fast-forward through. After dealing with those, it's a simple enough process to just make your way into the building by rolling across the gap and taking the door on the right side of the building. The guard posted outside won't cause any issues. After entering the building, use the door to the right side of the room and enter the mission square. There will be a couple of calls to fast-forward through as well as a cutscene to skip. After all of this, you will be dumped to the briefing screen. 
-====Mission 2: Soviet Patrol Base 1==== 
-After getting into the briefing menu, there will be some lines of text. Forward through it, and you'll be on the mission selector. Choose the Soviet Patrol Base immediately and start the mission. Entering the mission, skip the opening cutscene and begin moving immediately before the call stops you. Skip through the call and continue forward. Roll into the cutscene trigger and skip it. Roll into the pit ahead and use the momentum to equip your Mk. 22. Climb the stairs on the opposite side and swing out wide in order to use the lock-on to take out the guard ahead with two potshots. Enter the building, bump and roll the officer and collect the item to end the mission. 
-====Mission 3: Supply Depot 1==== 
-This mission is the trickiest in the early game to avoid an alert, should you be attempting a Tsuchinoko-rank run. When you're in the briefing menu, skip the dialog and move the cursor up to begin the mission in the Supply Depot. Once you're in the mission, skip the call's text and climb the boxes to the upper level. Hug the wall of the building and the very moment you step into the threshold of the interior, hold square to grab the guard and then move the stick in a direction and tap the button again to throw him. If you are fast enough, you will have knocked the guard out without an alert. As long as you've knocked the guard out, you can continue by grabbing the TNT in the building and then drag the guard to the truck. When you get to the top of the boxes, turn yourself around using first person view mode and drop the guard off the corner of the top box. Drop down and grab the guard again to continue dragging him. If the item box he drops is 9mm T, and if it's close-by, grab it. Once you've deposited the guard into the truck, the mission will end with a cutscene. Skip it and get back to the briefing menu. 
-====Mission 4: Comms Base 2==== 
-Before starting this mission, you'll need to menu Jonathan to the sneaking unit's first position. Press X to bring up the menu, select Manage, and O to confirm. From here, press left once to bring up the list of all soldiers, menu to Jonathan, press square and press right to get back to the sneaking unit. Menu once down to place Johnny in the unit, then select him again and replace Snake with him to swap their positions. After this is done, go back to the Mission screen and select the Comms Base. Skip through the text and select the mission again. Skip the second dialog and the two calls you receive when you enter the mission. Thanks to Johnny's uniform, he will be camouflaged to the other guards in the map and thus this is another simple mission. Enter the building from the door facing you, then take the left-hand door twice once you're inside, and you'll be in the mission marker at the communications equipment. Skip through the call and the mission will end. 
-====Mission 5: Hospital==== 
-In the briefing menu, go straight into the next highlighted mission, which will be the Hospital. As per usual, there will be a call to skip through at the opening of the mission. Once that's done, go straight ahead and roll into prone at the small opening in the wall. Once you're inside, stand up and run to the right side of the building. There's two methods for dealing with this guard; either you can bump through, spin around and grab him, or you can swing wide, get behind him and grab him. Either way, drag him toward the corner and once you've choked him twice through movement, choke him four times to knock him out with the square button. Press start to bring up the pause menu and select member select. Mash O to confirm through the menu, since all the options you'll need will be the first one on each menu. As you take control of Snake, repeat the process of getting through the wall and make your way to the KO-ed soldier. Grab him and drop him in front of the box Johnny is hiding in, and you'll receive a call. Skip the dialog and you'll have recruited the soldier. Continue into the main building at the back of the compound. Climb the stairs once you're inside, rolling once on each set of stairs to expedite the process. Follow the hallway all the way to the end, take the doorway on the right and make your way into the mission square. Skip through the call and the cutscene following and the mission will end. 
-====Mission 6: Research Lab 1==== 
-At the briefing menu, once again just select the highlighted mission and head straight into the Research Lab. Skip through the call and head straight forward. If you weren't able to grab the 9mm T ammo from recruiting Johnny, there will be a pack on the left wall that you can pick up. Note that this is only important for Tsuchinoko runs, and if you're not going for the rank, you can skip them entirely. Continue all the way down until you reach the first ramp, guarded by a soldier. Carefully climb the ramp, making sure that you don't lose the chameleon icon as you do so. At around a third of the way up the ramp, roll twice to climb the rest of the way quickly. Take a left and run around the side of the building. To the right there will be a scientist and another ramp. Ignore the scientist and climb the ramp the same way as the first. Turn around at the top and you'll see the first mission marker of the map. Enter it and skip the cutscene and call. After those are out of the way, roll directly toward the door to the building beneath you and enter. Follow the hallway to the end and hang a right, where you will see the end marker. Skip the cutscene and return to the briefing menu. 
-====Mission 7: Supply Depot 2==== 
-When you get back to the briefing menu, skip through the dialog and go into your Manage menu. Select Jonathan and place him in the spy unit for the Supply Depot. Bring up the menu again and select WAIT. A notification will come up telling you that a spy report is available for the area. Confirm and skip through Campbell's dialog. Bring up the menu one more time and select Report. Select the Supply Depot report and exit out immediately. Skip Campbell's dialog again and go back to the map. Select the Supply Depot and begin the mission. You'll start in the same place as the first trip, and the route for the beginning of the stage is largely the same. This time, the soldier inside the building is gone, so just continue through the other side of the building and angle yourself left slightly. Aim directly at the soldier guarding the next building and bump-roll, heading inside. On the left side, on some boxes ahead of you, there are small medical kits that you can pick up for safety, otherwise ignore them and head to the ramp on the right side of the back of the room. Roll onto the boxes and collect the item to finish the mission. 
-====Mission 8: Rail Bridge 1==== 
-At this point, in the briefing menu, you may get a prompt that your second recruit is finally ready to join. If you get that prompt, just accept it and skip the dialog that comes with it. The latest that this prompt will show up is generally mission 10. On the map, select the Rail Bridge and confirm. Skip the opening call and move around the truck, taking a left immediately. Follow the left wall to your destination. Skip the cutscene and call and return to the briefing menu. 
-**IMPORTANT: At this point, the next three missions are in a random order due to spy reports. Just follow the order in which you receive the reports.** 
-====Missions 9-11: Diversionary Operations==== 
-In order to cross the Rail Bridge, you need to cause three distractions by exploding three targets of opportunity out of a maximum of four. The speedrun chooses the fastest three stages, those being the Supply Depot, the Soviet Patrol Base, and the Research Lab. In between each diversion, you must menu to both receive spy reports and to move your spies accordingly (I.E. if you get the report for Supply Depot, move that spy to either the Patrol Base or the Research Lab, etc.). There is a small optimization involved after you 'read' the report for each diversion in that if you don't choose another mission aside from the one you got the report for, you can mash the triangle button after selecting the mission and it will entirely skip the pre-mission dialog. 
-You will want both Jonathan and your second recruit in the spy unit, and you want them to be separate until you're on your final diversion. Again, these are in random order during a run, so follow the guide for the order in which you receive the reports, not the order I've presented here. In order to receive your reports, you'll want to make use of your wait commands, on the right side of the bottom menu. If you run out of 'Wait's, enter a mission and abort out back to the briefing. 
-**//Supply Depot//**: Start the mission and skip the call. Equip your TNT and hug the left wall all the way down until you pass the last corner. Turn toward the truck parked in the center of the lane and place a bundle of TNT at the direct rear. Detonate immediately and skip the call. 
-**//Soviet Patrol Base//**: Start the mission and skip the call. Set the TNT to your equipment swap (equip and then unequip it to enable CQC again) and begin by dropping down each individual level into the pit. Climb the first raised section and roll atop the second to get out. This will set guard cycles more favorably so that you can continue moving without having to wait. Pass through the building to the other side and slam the guard in front of the armory. Move into the door frame and immediately re-equip your TNT and set it/detonate it. If done properly, this will avoid killing the guard in the blast due to invulnerability frames as he's standing back up. Skip the call and return to briefing. 
-**//Research Lab 3//**: Start the mission and skip the call. Equip the TNT and begin by climbing the ramp ahead of you, rolling once. Climb the ramp to the left, again only rolling once to ensure cycles are favorable. Ignore the scientist as he's turning and enter the main building. Follow the hallway and bump-roll through the guard, aiming for the smaller hall on the right side. Enter the door and you'll see the mission square denoting your target. If you go around behind the target, there is another set of small med kits you can pick up. Either way, set the TNT on either the front or the back of the target and detonate it. Skip the call and return to briefing. 
-====Mission 12: Rail Bridge 2==== 
-After the diversions, return to briefing and skip the dialog. Immediately choose Rail Bridge and enter. Skip the call and begin moving. Instead of hugging the left wall, move straight forward toward the bridge itself and equip the Mk. 22. As soon as you turn the corner, lock on to the shield guard and fire. The guard will move behind the truck, allowing you to hug the left side of the bridge and avoid him. Continue down the straight path toward the mission end. After the fence, angle toward the guard patrolling and bump-roll through him toward the mission marker. 
-====Mission 13: Harbor==== 
-Back on the briefing menu, skip the dialog and go into the Manage menu. Go into Snake's inventory (by pressing O with him highlighted) and remove the item on the bottom slot (highlight the item and press triangle), which should be the 9mm T ammo if you picked it up. Go back into Mission and select the Harbor. If it is daytime, you may want to wait one cycle before entering the mission, as nighttime will make it slightly easier to avoid an alert at the beginning of the stage. 
-As soon as you enter the map, skip the call and make your way to the ladder across from you, avoiding collision with the boxes between. Climb the ladder and go around behind the boxes to pick up the M63. Roll from the rooftop toward the bridge and equip your Mk. 22. Carefully aim to tranquilize the guard patrolling the bridge. Assuming you've given him time to move forward a few steps, the guard on the other side of the bridge won't see him fall. Cross the bridge, and if the aforementioned guard is still paused at the corner stalk toward the ramp into the boat. When you board the ship, follow the catwalk all the way along the right side to the ramp to the top. Roll up and orient yourself toward the boxes. Climb up and roll across the gap to pick up the cardboard box. Roll off the side of the box and continue toward the other ramp back down into the ship. 
-About halfway down the ramp, line yourself perpendicularly to the railing and roll to clear it. Upon landing, a cutscene will start. Skip it and the call immediately following. When you regain control, run to the set of boxes ahead of you and climb up. Skip the dialog at the top and roll across into the other section of the ship. When you reach the covered box, skip the two calls that come up and the mission will end. 
-====Mission 14: Security Base==== 
-Once you're back to the briefing, go to Manage and move both of your spies to the Security Base. Use your wait commands until you receive the report. 'Read' the report and skip through the dialog. Back to Mission, make sure you're on nighttime and select Security Base. If you aren't on nighttime, be sure to make it nighttime, through waiting or entering/exiting a mission. Skip the call and run to the left side of the truck. Go straight forward, roll across the gap and bump into the guard. Equip your cardboard box and enter the door. Run straight toward the second guard and repeat, remembering to re-equip the box after bumping him. Remove the box before starting to climb the ramp to ensure cycles are proper. At the top of the ramp, hug the left wall, and at roughly halfway to the door, re-equip the box and enter the door. Run directly toward the item and end the mission. 
-====Mission 15: Warhead Storage==== 
-On the briefing menu, go to Manage and once again remove the bottom item in Snake's inventory, which at this point should be the M63. Go back to the Mission menu and select Warhead Storage. Skip the dialog and call. Begin by moving straight forward and taking the door on the right. On the long ramp down, keep to the right side to avoid detection at the bottom when you exit the door. Once you step into the main area, forward through the dialog and take the immediate left. Roll into prone to avoid the laser grid in the large hallway next to the ramp on the left. Follow the hallway down and grab the Mosin Nagant. 
-Retrace your steps and roll into prone, stopping before you clear the corner, and let the female soldier pass. As soon as she does, crawl beneath the laser grid, stand up and take the left to climb the ladder. At the top, go directly to the door and follow the hallway until the ramp on the right. As soon as the door up the ramp opens, roll through. This will allow you to avoid an alert from the guard to the left of the catwalk. Follow the catwalk to the right and roll down to the lower level. Run through the door and roll up the ramp, taking the immediate right. At the bottom of the ramp, run through the door and around the fencing to the mission marker. Skip the call, place a TNT, and skip the cutscene to begin the boss fight against Python. 
-For Python, set your Mosin Nagant to equipment swap and stand still so that he attempts to hit you with his rifle. Avoid the hit and shoot him in the head with the Mosin. After this point, the fight is completely random, so the best advice is to just watch and react. If after being shot, Python aims at you and begins firing, keep your Mosin equipped and aim downward to avoid damage. After two headshots and two body shots, Python should go down. Skip the cutscene and return to briefing. 
-====Mission 16: Airport==== 
-On the briefing menu, if you don't get a spy report immediately, use 'wait's until you do. You need a spy report from the Security Base to find the Airport, so your spies should already be where they need to be. Once you get your report, go immediately into the Airport, and again, mash triangle to entirely skip the dialog. Once in the mission, skip both calls and head into the building. Go around the obstruction and then run directly at the officer patrolling the area. Once you bump him, change heading to run parallel to the ramp and roll to knock the officer over. Begin climbing the ramp and equip the box. 
-At the top of the ramp, unequip the box and turn around, heading for the door. Through the door, take the left and continue into the next hall. At the corner, there's another door. Go through that and box up, heading up the ramp. Hug the right side of the wall, and as soon as you reach the top, run into the guard at the top and bump-roll through, aiming yourself back toward the pillar in the center of the room. Avoid detection by running behind the pillar, and when you're three floor-tiles away from the VIP, start stalking. Grab the VIP and press L/L1/LB to interrogate. Hold the button until the call comes up. Skip through the call and end the mission. 
-====Mission 17: Silo Entrance 1==== 
-On the briefing screen, go to Manage and again remove the bottom item of Snake's inventory, which should be the Mosin Nagant. Afterward, go straight into the next mission, Silo Entrance. In the mission, skip the call and start running to the left. Climb up the ramp slowly, as boxing or rolling up will cause poor cycles. At the top, hug the crates on the right side and bump-roll through the guard hiding behind them. Continue forward and roll over the railing and, depending on the angle, land either on the second ramp surface, or on the ground. Climb the next ramp on the side of the building and roll over the wall to the right. 
-There is a guard patrolling the lower section of the map where you'll land. In order to avoid this guard detecting you, you have to bump-roll him very specifically. Kick out to the right and then orient yourself toward the guard so that he'll face you. Bump into him and roll to the up and right direction. Duck behind the crates and go behind the building to your right. Climb the ladder and grab the RPG-7. Carefully continue slightly across the bridge spanning the buildings and roll over the railing. Stay underneath the bridge as you make your way toward the mission marker. Skip the cutscene and you'll be in the next boss fight against Null. 
-For Null, when the fight begins, stalk slightly away from the corner of the building and equip the RPG. Take aim directly at Null as quickly as you can and fire. The blast will knock him down, away from you. Take this opportunity to reload the RPG, either through tactically reloading or standard. After you've reloaded, Null will be standing again. Watch for his footsteps and fire after he lifts his left (camera right) leg. You'll want to aim slightly ahead of him so that you continue to knock him backward. After this shot, he'll be far enough away that he'll attempt to run at you. Aim accordingly, and lead the shot so that you continue to blast him away from you. The same visual cue applies. Rinse and repeat until Null is defeated, which ends the mission. 
-====Mission 18: Silo Entrance 2==== 
-After Silo Entrance 1, Snake will be captured and taken out of your unit, so before re-entering Silo Entrance, you'll need to put Johnny back in the sneaking unit. After placing him there, go into the mission. After the call, take the same path as before, but this time you can roll up the ramps to speed things up slightly. Keep close to the right-hand wall to avoid the guard as you approach. Bump through him and spin to grab, then choke him out and climb over the railing. Drop down and grab onto the pole beneath. After the camera shifts behind you, move to the left, and drop onto the crates beneath. Follow the hall until you come across some boxes and an officer patrolling. Just before you pass the back of the crates, stalk to avoid detection and grab the officer to interrogate. Again, hold the L button until you receive the call that ends the mission. Skip the cutscene afterward to return to briefing. 
-====Mission 19: Rail Bridge 3==== 
-At this point, the game expects you to put a dragnet of spies around to learn where to go next. Instead, we can go straight to the next destination. In fact, if you take the spy report to go to the Rail Bridge to collect the item you need, it'll make things more difficult and slower. 
-In Mission, navigate to the Rail Bridge and enter. There won't be a call to skip at the beginning of the mission, so as soon as it fades in, begin moving straight toward the building on the opposite end of the starting area. If you got the report, there will be an officer who can see through Johnny's disguise. If not, it's a straight shot. As soon as you enter the building, turn right immediately and enter that room. Take a left into the room adjacent, where there is an officer. Bump and roll through him and into the item that ends the mission. Skip the cutscene after the call and return to the briefing menu. 
-====Mission 20: Guest House==== 
-The briefing menu will automatically point you to the next mission, so go immediately into the Guest House. Skip the call and move forward and slightly to the left down the ramp. You don't have to worry about any of the guards in this map, so just run straight down the path and take a left into the alleyway. At the end of the alley, take the door to your left and continue into the building. Down the ramp and into the left-hand door is your mission marker. Proceed into it, skip the call and the cutscene to end the mission. 
-====Mission 21: Plant==== 
-Once you get back to the briefing menu, replace Snake as your primary in the sneaking unit, remove the TNT from your inventory and head into the plant. Skip the call and begin by heading where you're facing. As soon as you pass by the ramp to the right, aim down sights and take out the guard on the ground level facing you. Afterward, aim directly up from him toward the rafters to distract the two guards patrolling the catwalks. If done in time, you'll be able to slip directly underneath them without detection. Once you're past the bridge, take the left around the back of the building and run directly for the mission marker. 
-Skip the cutscene and you'll be in the boss fight against Metal Gear RAXA. As soon as you gain control, equip the RPG and aim toward the middle of Metal Gear's legs. If done properly, you can hit multiple legs at the same time. Repeat until you're out of ammo. Once you run out, run to the right side of the room to pick up a spare pack of RPG rounds. Once you have those, continue firing at the legs. Once all four legs are destroyed (denoted by them darkening and emitting sparks), you'll move into phase two. 
-In phase two, once RAXA's legs are destroyed, and once it flies in the air and lands again, it will slump forward. Position yourself directly in front of it and aim toward the middle of one of the wings. If properly aimed, two rockets to each wing will destroy both and end the fight. 
  • metal_gear_solid/new_game_tutorial_by_pythonicus.1566017355.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/08/17 04:49
  • by Pythonicus