=====Hard Info===== *Hard and Very Hard are fairly similar, as guard and camera patterns are the same *Hard gives more resources than Very Hard, but fewer than Easy or Normal *Hard and Very Hard both have boss behavior modifiers *Snake can take more damage than on Very Hard ====Stage 01==== *On reaction for first guard on second screen, hold right when he spots you to avoid getting hit on Any%. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/HappyToughToadBigBrother-IQPrFOt38Yi2cAT0|Example here]] *Rest of the stage move like on Very Hard, 35 still possible. ====Stage 02==== *Guard/camera routing is the same as Very Hard. *Five-Seven does spawn in truck, which is better than picking it up in Stage 01. ====Stage 03==== *First screen of Tower, make sure to flick downleft when on alert at the green crates. Alternatively, you can go downright for a moment. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/NastyDifficultKangarooDatSheffy-GhKQXNVi86HzKqVI|Example here]] *In gas room, perform a checkmark down to the wall to make the guard shoot the wall. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/JazzyJazzyQuailCmonBruh-cEPUEpOzrM4YONn3|Example here]] *In card room, perform the beginning of rank 1 movement, then hug the top of the crates to force the guard to open the door for you. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/ToughMistyCaterpillarWutFace-7Q7PrVpjWlTpP3N0|Example here]] ====Stage 04==== *Undetermined if chaff is worthwhile or not on Any% *Do a small delay at the door in the gas mask room. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleCrunchyGoshawkNomNom-XdF8XZywrnpzQ6UZ|Example here]] *There is a way to run on alert and avoid getting damaged in the guard mud room, but it's inconsistent. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/SmallDeterminedHerringStinkyCheese-0xfKL-Ee_LujEo0k|Example here]] *R5 does not spawn by the rock in the bird room. *Ration by Slasher Hawk's door spawns, unlike Very Hard. *Bird flies fast, just like Very Hard ====Stage 05==== *Refer to Very Hard routing, grenades and spare stuns are not here, same guard/camera routes, only left C4, etc. ====Stage 06==== *When running Alert in the Box room, you could cause an alert early by throwing a grenade in the ladder room, or do a single punch to make the guard consistently avoid hitting Snake. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/HonestAmusedThyme4Head-JvcvgFByJ1Xr2os8|Example here]] *Marionette Owl will heal if you shoot a doll, just like in Very Hard ====Stage 08==== *If you are routing in the ration by electrified water, make sure to make the guard hear you late. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/DeadFairAppleDerp-Tn5tWBhHMUbqVmNi| Example here]] *C4 by electric box blown up after card pickup is there, unlike Very Hard *Grenades in bottom right corner of first screen of 1F are there, unlike Very Hard. Pick up on Stage 09? Could incorporate that into avoiding guards on Evasion for Nikita Skip *Pyro Bison will jetpack at low health, just like on Very Hard ====Stage 09==== ====Stage 10==== *Resources available to you are the same as Very Hard *Havoc behavior is the same as Very Hard ====Stage 11==== *After picking up the Nikita, do a flick to avoid getting punched by the guard. [[https://clips.twitch.tv/TangentialAverageTardigradeBrokeBack-gvdlRlX3sxzjCpzr|Example here]] *Floor 50 Grenades exist, unlike Very Hard. *All others rooms should be the same ====Stage 12==== *Ration along bottom exists, unlike Very Hard. *Nikita ammo along right wall exists, unlike Very Hard