The character //X-Raiden// has 1 VR Mission and 0 Alternative Missions (a total of 1 level). =====Streaking Mode===== * Streaking Mode is the one and only level X-Raiden has. It is composed of 5 back-to-back sneaking levels and the score screen compiles the results of all 5 stages. * X-Raiden has access to no weapons at all and cannot enter hanging mode. * X-Raiden is unable to grab, throw, or chokehold guards. ===Stage 01:=== * Similar to Raiden's and Raiden (Ninja)'s equivalent level, the strategy here is to knock on the wall causing the guard to look away. * After that, make your way to the goal. ===Stage 02:=== * Taking the most direct route to the goal: Go right, up, right, up, right, and then do an aerial to take out the guard next to X-Raiden and land into the goal. * Don't be too far to the left as you'll either miss rolling into the guard or the north-west guard will spot you. ===Stage 03:=== * Go up turn around the guard next to X-Raiden and head right. * When you reach northern guard, roll into him and then into the goal. ===Stage 04:=== There are two strategies for this room, one that is safer and that is slightly faster, but involves a silent aerial. **__Silent Aerial Strategy:__** * Do an aerial heading north-east to avoid the first guard. * Do a silent aerial into the guard approaching you to avoid the other guards hearing it. **__Safe Strategy:__** * Do an aerial to stick to the right stick of the first guard. * Head up, then right, then up again. Finally, aerial into the goal, but stick to the right wall to avoid getting spotted. ===Stage 05:=== * Keep heading east to have the guard north see X-Raiden and come closer to investigate. * Once he's passed, head north from the center of the map. * Do an aerial into the guard slightly south from the camera and X-Raiden will also land safely on the stairs skipping most of them. * Head right into the goal, watch out for the final guard. ---- [[level_specific_strategies|Return to Level Specific Strategies]]