Stage 11 Hard
- Hard and Very Hard are fairly similar, as guard and camera patterns are the same
- Hard gives more resources than Very Hard, but fewer than Easy or Normal
- Hard and Very Hard both have boss behavior modifiers
- Snake can take more damage than on Very Hard
- After picking up the Nikita, do a flick to avoid getting punched by the guard Example here
- Floor 50 Grenades exist, unlike Very Hard
- All others rooms should be the same as Very Hard
- You can opt to throw a grenade at the panel for the first card pick up, to save Nikita for later, but it's not necessary.
- If you are at 4 alerts, do not take the alert in the laser room, go along the left wall.
- IF you picked up C4 in Stage 09, you can skip the C4 during the alert.
- No need to use a stun grenade in this room with the proper movement.
- Hold right to start, then go downright when Snake intersects with the first guard
- Throw the stun when the guard crosses the red line, makes this room more consistent.
- If the third guard isn't stunned, you can knock him out or kill with the R5
- Two different strategies, depending on your chaff timing.
- Two Nikita Ammo packs do not spawn in the Nikita Launcher room.
- C4 does not spawn in the minefield on floor 50.
- Only Nikita Ammo spawns in the left room on floor 98.