
This is an old revision of the document!

  • Hard difficulty is an interesting middle ground between Normal and Extreme, borrowing elements from both.
  • Overall, you will be eating many rations during this run. Make sure to grab the ration at the forklift in the Dock.
  • You cannot pick up the M9 until you blow up the northwest wall in the Armory after the Cell fight.
  • On the Helipad, pick up the chaff at the spotlight, move left, then roll into the vent guard after being shot twice.
  • In the Tank Hangar, take the same line as in Extreme. You do not need to wait for the bottom guard to pass, as long as you R mash in the vent.
  • Grab the SOCOM to start, turn around, and fire at the guard closest to you to give the other guards an ! delay. These guards are more aggressive than the lower difficulty guards.
  • While unconfirmed through hard testing, it overall seems worthwhile blowing up the northwest wall in the Armory for the M9.
  • You can skip picking up the chaff grenades in Canyon, but you cannot takes the Very Easy/Easy line. Thus, you can save some frames by dodging the Chaff and going upright early.
  • Remember to lean dodge in FPV at the Tank if your ration count is low.
  • In Nuke Bldg 1F, hug the bottom of the missiles after performing the door skip. Remember to toss a chaff grenade after performing the door skip.
  • The balcony guard will not get in your way, allowing you to freely roll up the stairs, unlike Normal.
  • Dogs can hear you shoot, enabling the consistent cave return to pick up the PSG1-T.
  • When returning through the canyon, hug the left side, and M9 autoaim TPV shoot the guard beyond the Tank twice.
  • Hind-D operates like on Extreme, meaning bad luck is not as annoying as on lower difficulties.
  • Raven spawns NW of you. Go up a row, hug the bottom crate to attack him.
  • There are multiple ways to approach the Underground Base (Rex's Lair).
  • Fire the SOCOM in TPV once at the first guard to stun him, then roll into him to knock him over the edge.
  • Fire the M9 twice at the top guard with autoaim TPV. You can roll after the first shot, get a damage boost, then time your second shot so he falls asleep by the wall.
  • After the PAL scene, switch to the SOCOM, go into FPV, and autoaim to the lower guard and spam for a crotch shot. This will remove all guards.
  • metal_gear_solid/tts_hd.1588011281.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/04/27 18:14
  • by plywood