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By holding L2 or R2 at the exact set of frames before recieving damage, you can negate all damage recieved. Very precise technique.

Used For:

  • Bomb Disposal for All Characters

Used For:

  • Raiden (Ninja) Sneaking 01

Used For:

  • Any level for All Characters

Holding Up Guards

Used For:

  • Snake (MGS1) Hold Up 1-10

A basic mechanic of the game is to hold a guard with a weapon. Stand relatively close enough to them (without the guards spotting you) and hold down square to lift your weapon. This can also be done by equipping weapons which instantly take you into FPV such as the PSG1, PSG1-T, and Stinger.

Doing this with weapons such as the AK-74u or M4 would mean you would eventually shoot the guard. The game wants you to lightly hold the square on a controller with pressure sensitive controls such as the DualShock 2 or DualShock 3. On platforms that don't support this, it might be possible to hold down L3 while holding the Square button to replicate this game mechanic. On PC, this is one option, another option is to go into the V's Fix settings and change your controller type to “V's Type.” This basically replaces the L3 mechanic mentioned earlier for R1.

  • metal_gear_solid_2/techniques.1604633579.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/06 03:32
  • by PlatonicGuy