
This is an old revision of the document!

Menu Number Menu Location Final Weapons Items & Camo Changes
1 Act 1 - Mk. 2 Cutscene P90 (300 rnds)
MGL-140 (10 grnd/6 wp/10 flsh/6 smk)
Operator (100 rnds) & F.Light (H.G.) {Optional}
Sleep Gas Satchels (10 stchls)
Syringe {MG MK. II}
Noodles [TBE] (3) {Optional}
Regain [BBH/TBE] (3) {BBH Optional}
BB Face Camo
Disguise (M.E.) [TBE]
2 Act 2 - Start Rail Gun (50 rnds)
M82A2 (50 rnds)
Stun G. (10 grnds)
M4C (500 rnds) [Javelin if LE/NN (10 rckts)]
BB Face Camo
Disguise (S.A.) [TBE] {Optional}
3 Act 3 - Start Rail Gun
Vz.83 (300 rnds)
XM25 (10 grnds)
MK. 2 (50 rnds) & Cry or Scream Ammo (50 rnds)
M4C [—– if Javelin]
L. Beauty Face Camo
4 Act 3 - Raven Beauty M82A2
Smoke G. (B) (10 grnds)
M4C & Masterkey (30 00 Buck) {Optional}
5 Act 4 - After Wolf Chaff Grenade (10 grnds)
Solar Gun
Smoke G. (B)
6 Act 5 - Start Chaff Grenade
Solar Gun
MK. 2
Smoke G. (B)
BB Face Camo
7 Act 5 - Mantis Doll Drop Chaff Grenade
Mantis Doll
M82A2 [MGL-140 if non-TBE]
  • In most cases the order of the weapons is irrelevant, it's what you have in your Cycle that matters as MGS4 has a tendency to “force swap” weapons into your cycle wheel (and inventory if they aren't there already).
  • Specifically speaking, the order for weapon override is USUALLY: Open Hand > Pistol > SMG > … > Other > Operator > M4C > Equipped Weapon.
  • Whenever possible, try to menu in a minimum of two things at a time if you choose to customize this.
  • The menu order is the typical arrangements of weapons you would end up w/ after performing a menu.
  • metal_gear_solid_4/ng_non-bb_optimal_menuing_guide.1582876721.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/28 07:58
  • by srgtsilent