Big Boss Stage 12
- Greater number of guards compared to Normal
- Greater number of cameras compared to Normal
- Available ammo pickups are greatly reduced
- Snake takes maximum damage from enemy attacks
- You have 2 ration capacity to start, 3 after Owl, 4 after Havoc (Normal maxes at 5)
<html> <b><span style=“color:Red”>CORRECTION</span></b> </html> - You can throw grenades at the shoulder cannons.
- Nikita do not spawn on the right side of the road.
- Metal Gear shoots at you while walking down the road.
- The Machine gun shoots more quickly.
- Nikita ammo does not spawn in the Metal Gear fight.
- HP: 48
- Takes 8 damage per hit
- 6 hits to destroy
- If you are not confident in a C4 plant, due to the Machine Gun messing up your movement, don't go for the C4 plant and risk getting stomped. It isn't worth it.
- HP: 96
- Damage Dealt to Machine Guns: 1 HP
- Damage Dealt to Upper Cannons: 3 HP, Final Hit is 8 HP
- Damage Dealt to Missile Launcher: 6 HP
- Damage Dealt to Flame Thrower: 4 HP
- Machine Guns can be damaged by Nikita or Grenades
- Upper Cannons can be damaged only by Nikita
- Missile Launcher can be damaged only by Nikita
- Flame Thrower can be damaged only by Grenades
- Upper Cannons are destroyed after 4 hits, totaling 17 damage per Cannon destroyed
- Once GANDER reaches 31 HP, Flame Thrower attack begins
- To finish phase 2, up to 8 grenades are required
- It is best RTA to pace out your grenade throws, so that you have a better chance of stunning the Machine Gun and opening up the upper cannons.
- When Machine Guns are flashing, Gander can choose to use the upper turrets, use UAVs, or fire missiles (when it reaches a low enough HP)
- If a grenade is thrown onto Gander on Fl 98 or Fl 99, it will deal 4 damage at the start of Body per throw. Video shown below.
Missile Discussion
- Missiles track you based on your initial X/Y Coordinates1) when the first whoosh noise is played.
- But, later missiles in the sequence check your X/Y Coordinates again, so don't get lazy and stand still
- 3 missiles fire from the left, 3 fire from the right. The order (e.g. L, L, R, R, L, R, etc.) is not set.
- You can somewhat manipulate the missiles based on your initial position, but don't only rely on that.
- Even if you do manipulate based on the initial position, the first missile could come out quickly and hit you.
- IGT Abuse by pausing can be very helpful to give you time to study the radar and the incoming missiles on screen.
- It is better to be below a missile than above. A missile will not do damage if they fly through Snake's head. But they will do damage if they fly through his body or legs.
or position